Thursday 12 April 2012

EWWWWW!!!!!! Filthy rag in meat pie .. Yuk !!!

Dishcloth of the day: Hungry Leigh Sylvester got a very nasty shock when he tucked into a beef and onion pie only to discover this filthy rag cooked inside
Dishcloth of the day: Hungry Leigh Sylvester got a very nasty shock 
when he tucked into a beef and onion pie only to discover this
 filthy rag cooked inside

Hungry Leigh Sylvester got a nasty shock when he tucked into a shop bought beef and onion pie and discovered it had a filthy dishcloth baked inside.
Wife Vicky served up the pie with chips and beans and 39-year-old Leigh had already eaten a quarter of it when he chomped into something that definitely wasn’t meat.
'He cut a bit more of the pie open with his knife and fork and found a dirty-looking blue and white dishcloth,' said wife Vicky.
'It was shocking and looked like it had been well-used for wiping machinery or something. It was heavily stained and made all our stomachs heave,' she added.

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