Saturday, 31 March 2012

Obama plays the gentleman as he bends down to pick up coin dropped by female Marine after he gave it to her

When the President gives you a gift, it is a good idea to keep a tight hold on it.
Sergeant Kristie Ness learned that lesson the hard way on Friday when she dropped a challenge coin handed to her by Barack Obama.
But the Commander in Chief proved himself to be a perfect gentleman as he knelt down to the coin up and gave it back to the red-faced Marine.

Polite: Barack Obama bends down to pick up a challenge coin he had given to Sergeant Kristie Ness, left
Polite: Barack Obama bends down to pick up a challenge coin he had given to Sergeant Kristie Ness, left
Ms Ness received the coin from Mr Obama at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in acknowledgement of her service on board his helicopter, Marine One, ahead of her last flight with the President.While he was gallant towards the military, Mr Obama was less generous to his Republican opponents as he accused them of showing signs of 'madness'.

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